deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (360)

Well, that took a little while, didn’t it? Thankfully, that’s mainly because I haven’t played it rather than because it’s all I’ve played. In fact, it’s only really been the concerted effort over the last week that’s done it, finally getting the last gold brick and then mopping up the remaining achievements this evening. Like all the other Lego games, it’s an OCD fest, but also like all the other Lego games, it’s great fun and (two achievements aside) never …

Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (360): COMPLETED!

Of course, “completed” with Lego games means “I’ve done the story levels”. It does not mean I’ve gone through all the levels again in Free Play, nor does it mean I’ve found all the minikits, red and gold bricks, and done any secret/hidden/special levels or other stuff. Sure, I’ve done some of those things, but with a completion of just 51% and only 35/130 gold bricks still remaining I’m a way off yet… Knowing nothing about the TV series this is …

Lego Star Wars III (360)

So it turns out that I didn’t return to Skyrim immediately, instead installing this. I have no knowledge of the Clone Wars cartoon, and all I know about the Star Wars 1 to 3 films came from Lego Star Wars II, so I’m going in blind. Not that you need to know anything about the setting in order to play Lego games. You just mash X. I’ve finished the first 5 levels. I don’t know how many levels there are, …

Lego Star Wars II (360)

Getting bored with this now. I’ve got 43 gold bricks, and need 60 to open up Lego City, apparently, but getting there is pretty soul destroying. Basically, I have to redo all the levels I’ve done previously to get a True Jedi rating, then redo them all again in Free Play (and get True Jedi there too), then redo them all yet again in Super Story mode. And then, if I’ve missed any Minikits, I need to do the levels …

Lego Star Wars II (360)

Played some more this afternoon. Firstly, I had a go in two-player, working though some of Episode IV. My wife was player two. And, there are problems. Not with her, but with the camera forcing one or the other player to be pushed into holes, or behind or under things preventing either player from progressing. In all, it was pretty hard work just to get to the end of the second chapter. Later, I played through the rest of the …

Lego Star Wars II (360)

With the main story complete, I’m mopping up the extras now. First up, was the Super Story version of Episode IV. Which was crap. It’s basically just all the chapters of Episode IV one after the other with no breaks and no extras. It also only notched my completion percentage up by just 0.2%, even though it took me over an hour to play. What a waste of time. After that, I finally managed to unlock the Bounty Hunter missions, …

Lego Star Wars II (360): COMPLETED!

It might only be three days of play, but my saved game says 12 hours. Cripes. So I finished off Episode VI. The first three missions were really long, but the final couple were really short – a fight with the Emporer, and a Millenium Falcon strike on the new Death Star. And after that? It was complete! However, there’s more to collect and stuff. So I went back to Episode IV, Chapter 1, and completed it in Free Play …

Lego Star Wars II (360)

Worked my way through all of Episode V today. I’m not really enjoying the spaceship flying/shooty sections all that much. They don’t gel all that well with the rest of the game. The sequence on Hoth was OK, but it wasn’t made clear as to what you were supposed to do. This resulted in my shooting down AT-STs and drone things for a good hour before I realised you had to blow a hole in a wall with a bomb …

Lego Star Wars II (360)

I don’t much like Star Wars, and Lego stopped really interesting me when I was 13. And everyone knows that all film tie-ins are rubbish. So I bought it anyway. To be fair, it was only £16, and it has had some really good reviews. And you know what? It’s actually pretty good. It’s not fantastic, but it’s original, funny (more so if you’ve seen the films) and fun to play. So much so, in fact, that I sat and …

The Lego Movie 2 Videogame (Switch): COMPLETED!

Yes, it’s another Lego game. Which means that it’s the same as all the other Lego games, right? Well, no actually. In several important ways. Of course, the basic gameplay is mostly unchanged. You go around a level, solve little puzzles and generally smash everything you come across, but this game (and it’s possible the Lego Incredibles and Lego DC Super Villains do the same – I’ve yet to play them) is more open world and far less linear than …

Lego City Undercover (Wii U)

I’m a big fan of Lego games. A massive fan. I own nearly all of them, and of those I own I’ve 100%ed all bar two. People moan that they’re repetitive and shallow, but that really doesn’t matter as they’re fun, funny, and fantastic at rubbing the OCD Collector Receptors. This game marks the first one I’ve bought on a console besides the Xbox 360. For several reasons – it’s nice to have new games on a new console, it …